So Stupid… not able to remmember my hubby HP no. Even more stupid.. . until now not even start to memorizing his no. Best day ever… Penang trip!!!! best food best people and awesome memory! On replay… All friends old episode.. my best detox moment Totally loving… procrastinating all task... Never would have thought… I able to complete the task that my boss gave to me, with minimal guidance. Really enjoying… Instragraming time, early in the morning and my baby still sleeping... ahh Terrified of.. . late menstrual periode.. erm @_@ Hate… stuck in lift with people with body odor Love the weather when.. . morning, after rain (perfect combo) Best age.. . Not really sure. Maybe this age??!!? Regretting… Eating 8 bala bala for lunch, tepar because of gastric No time for… Ironing clothes.. Always hungry for.. . street food, indonesian, malaysian, you name it.. all street food.. Always ready to travel...