Its been 3 week after my heart surgery. I've been quite about this, Only few people know the journey since early this year ( my husband, parents, and my boss /as aproval for my leave absent lol ).
And few days before surgery, I only shared to few people that really closed to me.
Why I've so discreet about this...?
1. To accept the condition, to really know whats going on with my health and life, is on going process until now. Hence the emotional imbalance make me unprepared to answer all question that all people will aim to me.
2. Some people tried to ease my burden with "No need to worry maybe its only your feeling", or "Naaahhh you just need to exercise more" or "Don't stress" or "Just quite your job, and stay at home, You feel better".
I often mixed feeling with all those statement. I don't know if I should feel grateful that friends/family cheering me up to stay positive so all the problem can suddenly gone (its more towards cynical rather than encouraging). But often I feel like they just don't have a listening ear, and the judgement seems its only small problem/ or me being overboard (of course, as you no need to feel what my heart feel / you are not in my position, Congratulation to you! )
3. Some people urge me to do non medical approached, by drink some traditional potion (that I 100% unsure, insert cringe emoticon here). I (try) treat my heart health very serious, with high priority and severity. Maybe if the problem only hair fall/ how to make my hair grow stronger, I open for any suggestion.
As I think, I was not overshare this condition, make enough room for me to think \ re-think all important aspects for my life. 'De-clutter' my life, priority, target and also people. Not all really contribute to your sanity, so choose carefully.
So how are you?
Ans: so far OK. My heart feel better these days. And I hope no issue at all.
In the end, Me-myself who fight on this battle. I try to do in my convenient way. I respect everyone who come / cross path with me in this journey. May we are healthy and happy always.
Oct 2018
And few days before surgery, I only shared to few people that really closed to me.
Why I've so discreet about this...?
1. To accept the condition, to really know whats going on with my health and life, is on going process until now. Hence the emotional imbalance make me unprepared to answer all question that all people will aim to me.
2. Some people tried to ease my burden with "No need to worry maybe its only your feeling", or "Naaahhh you just need to exercise more" or "Don't stress" or "Just quite your job, and stay at home, You feel better".
I often mixed feeling with all those statement. I don't know if I should feel grateful that friends/family cheering me up to stay positive so all the problem can suddenly gone (its more towards cynical rather than encouraging). But often I feel like they just don't have a listening ear, and the judgement seems its only small problem/ or me being overboard (of course, as you no need to feel what my heart feel / you are not in my position, Congratulation to you! )
3. Some people urge me to do non medical approached, by drink some traditional potion (that I 100% unsure, insert cringe emoticon here). I (try) treat my heart health very serious, with high priority and severity. Maybe if the problem only hair fall/ how to make my hair grow stronger, I open for any suggestion.
As I think, I was not overshare this condition, make enough room for me to think \ re-think all important aspects for my life. 'De-clutter' my life, priority, target and also people. Not all really contribute to your sanity, so choose carefully.
So how are you?
Ans: so far OK. My heart feel better these days. And I hope no issue at all.
In the end, Me-myself who fight on this battle. I try to do in my convenient way. I respect everyone who come / cross path with me in this journey. May we are healthy and happy always.
Oct 2018
thank you to be chosen as the one you tell this story to. buat gw, tina harus sehat wal'afiat no matter what. supaya kita selalu bisa ngobrol setiap hari, sharing makeup, sharing life and worklife. Ntah kenapa tina adalah orang yg selalu gw cari klo mau curhat and i will always support your battle no matter easy or hard it is.
BalasHapusSiapa sih nih yang motong bawang pagi pagi.... :') hehehehe mamacih!!