Buat gua, baca blog orang itu dah jadi kaya self healing untuk gua.. Dengan banyak baca buah pikiran orang itu bener bener memperkaya gua dari banyak sudut pandang. I'm truly grateful that a lot of amazing people still write, and allow me to read their blog.
Salah satu penulis blog yang saya ikuti, terus encourage semua pembaca untuk mao coba nulis, apa pun itu. Dan untuk terus nulis, untuk mengasah kemampuan kita untuk berkomunikasi, memproses data, tahapan pemaparan informasi dan pemahaman akan informasi.
So, let me try...
Tahun 2017 menurupakan tahun dengan segala gejolak. Mulai dari urus keluarga-kerjaan, semua masalah keluarga, jauh dengan orang tua, komunikasi, kerjaan, deadline. Jugling dengan semua hal tersebut, membuat saya hilang fokus dan energi. Penyelesaian yang tidak efektif berimbas kurang baik akan diri saya.
I tend to lose word to represent me, I don't know how to defend myself. In the end I just quite, tired-overwhelmed of everything and tried to find my inner peace, self withdraw from any interaction. Because just simply, I feel like I don't belongs there. In the worst time, I cant recognized myself, and detached with my emotion.
That was bad, as not resolving anything, and also inside myself there's no peace or sense of balance. Then at some point, I was breakdown scattered around. I fond myself at ER room, while surrounded by around 8 nurses and 2 doctor. I asked one of the doctor "What happen with me?" after that I fainted. Doctors scream my name, and I tried to open my eyes. That critical phase was over. I still on continuous consultation with my specialist, but as for now its manageable (Lets just praise The Lord, for His continuous blessing in my life).

That's a big shock to me.After that honor episode of mine, the dead and life card is seems so real. I feel that Our BIG GOD, give me another round chance to breath. Big challenges still come and go, in everyday basis. What I can do so far, counting any small step. If that small steps seems too big, just take that time to stay and knowing better about myself. After all you are the one who will take care of your own self.
Take my own time, discover more about myself..
The past is over, the future is real. What ever your situation, just believe your good intention and hard work wont betray you. Hang on, this bad weather won't last forever.
Salah satu penulis blog yang saya ikuti, terus encourage semua pembaca untuk mao coba nulis, apa pun itu. Dan untuk terus nulis, untuk mengasah kemampuan kita untuk berkomunikasi, memproses data, tahapan pemaparan informasi dan pemahaman akan informasi.
So, let me try...
Tahun 2017 menurupakan tahun dengan segala gejolak. Mulai dari urus keluarga-kerjaan, semua masalah keluarga, jauh dengan orang tua, komunikasi, kerjaan, deadline. Jugling dengan semua hal tersebut, membuat saya hilang fokus dan energi. Penyelesaian yang tidak efektif berimbas kurang baik akan diri saya.
I tend to lose word to represent me, I don't know how to defend myself. In the end I just quite, tired-overwhelmed of everything and tried to find my inner peace, self withdraw from any interaction. Because just simply, I feel like I don't belongs there. In the worst time, I cant recognized myself, and detached with my emotion.
That was bad, as not resolving anything, and also inside myself there's no peace or sense of balance. Then at some point, I was breakdown scattered around. I fond myself at ER room, while surrounded by around 8 nurses and 2 doctor. I asked one of the doctor "What happen with me?" after that I fainted. Doctors scream my name, and I tried to open my eyes. That critical phase was over. I still on continuous consultation with my specialist, but as for now its manageable (Lets just praise The Lord, for His continuous blessing in my life).
That's a big shock to me.After that honor episode of mine, the dead and life card is seems so real. I feel that Our BIG GOD, give me another round chance to breath. Big challenges still come and go, in everyday basis. What I can do so far, counting any small step. If that small steps seems too big, just take that time to stay and knowing better about myself. After all you are the one who will take care of your own self.
Take my own time, discover more about myself..
The past is over, the future is real. What ever your situation, just believe your good intention and hard work wont betray you. Hang on, this bad weather won't last forever.
hmm hmm good luck tina.. i love you bestfriend smooch